Our Values


Core Values

ALL 4 JESUS MINISTRIES is a Christ–centered ministry which is dedicated to introducing all people to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Prayer & the Word

Because we know that effective evangelism and conversion depend on God and not human effort, we make prayer and the word of God the foundation of our ministry.

Church Centered

We are part of the Church and not a substitute for it. All of our staff, board members and volunteers are members and/or leaders of their local churches and support and pray for their pastors. We endeavor to involve as many Bible- believing churches as possible in any outreaches and events we engage in and will refer new converts to these churches as part of our follow-up.


We are committed to reach beyond any denominational or racial barriers to demonstrate the power of Biblical unity.


We are committed to live a life that exemplifies Christian character: a life of humility and servanthood, a life of the highest integrity and moral character, a life that reflects the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.